Safe Movers Plainville CT
The heavy safe in your Plainville residence or business can be moved safely by the professionals at McCabe's Moving. Most good sized safes weigh more than most people are used to lifting up and carrying around. What's more, a safe might be mounted to a floor or wall in such a way that damage could occur if it is incorrectly removed. McCabe's Moving has handled hundreds of safes throughout CT and our customers are very satisfied with our technical skills, customer service and discretion. Our crew has the training and experience to get the safe out of any tight space without causing damage. In addition to showing up with our own moving truck, we bring everything we need such as lighting, jacks, rollers, plywood and plates. You can leave your valuables in the safe, if you'd like, but it is against the law for us to transport firearms.
Heavy Safe Mover Plainville, CT
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